Monday, August 20, 2007

Top Career Web Sites for Children and Teens

Career assessments and tests help you explore who you. Career books and web sites give you a glimpse of the world of work. Free career information is available on web sites. Some writers have written facts for children and teens. We would like to share some information with you. These web sites use graphics, multimedia presentation, activities, and other techniques to expand our knowledge of careers. We have written information on seventeen (17) web sites.

Here are the four different types of exploring careers web sites:
General Career Information
Science Career Clusters
Specific Science Careers

Curriculum Web Sites

Curriculum web sites provide activities, tests, guidelines, as well as career information.

Resource One: Career Cruiser Source: Florida Department of Education

The Career Cruiser is a career exploration guidebook for middle school students. The Career Cruiser has self assessment activities to match personal interests to careers. The Career Cruiser has information on Holland Codes. Careers are grouped into 16 career clusters. The Career Cruiser has information on occupational descriptions, average earnings, and minimum educational level required for the job.

Teacher's Guide is also available.

Resource Two: Elementary Core Career Connection Source: Utah State Office of Education

The Core Career Connections is a collection of instructional activities, K to 6, and 7 to 8, designed by teachers, counselors, and parents. Each grade level has instructional activities that align directly with the Utah State Core. This instructional resource provides a framework for teachers, counselors, and parents to integrate career awareness with the elementary and middle level grade students.

Career Information Web Sites

Some web sites provide excellent career information. Some web sites list facts about job tasks, wages, career outlook, interests, education, and more.

Resource Three: Career Voyages Source: U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education

The Career Voyages web site is a Career Exploration web site for Elementary School students. The Career Voyages web site has information about the following industries:

Advanced Manufacturing
Financial Services
Health Care
Information Technology
Aerospace and the "BioGeoNano" Technologies

Resource Four: Career Ship
Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Ship is a free online career exploration tool for middle and high school students. Career Ship uses Holland Codes and the O*NET Career Exploration Tools. For each career, Career Ship provides the following information:

Career outlook
Similar careers

Career Ship is a product of Mapping Your Future, a public service web site providing career, college, financial aid, and financial literacy information and services.

Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Zone is a career exploration and planning system. Career Zone has an assessment activity that identifies Holland Codes. Career Zone provides information on 900 careers from the new O*NET Database, the latest labor market information from the NYS Department of Labor and interactive career portfolios for middle and high school students that connect to the NYS Education Department Career Plan initiative. Career Zone has links to college exploration and planning resources, 300 career videos, resume builder, reference list maker, and cover letter application.

Resource Six: Destination 2020
Source: Canada Career Consortium

Destination 2020 helps youth discover how everyday tasks can help them build skills they will need to face the many challenges of the workforce.

Skills are linked to:

School Subjects
Other School Activities
Play Activities At Home
Work at Home

Through quizzes, activities and articles, they might actually find some answers or, at least, a direction about their future. There are more than 200 profiles of real people who are describing what a day at work is like for them.

Resource Seven: What Do You Like
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

What Do You Like is the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Career web site for kids. The web site provides career information for students in Grades 4 to 8. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of the material on the site has been adapted from the Bureau's Occupational Outlook Handbook,a career guidance publication for adults and upper level high school students that describes the job duties, working conditions, training requirements, earnings levels, and employment prospects of hundreds of occupations. Careers are matched to interests and hobbies. In the Teacher's Guide, there are twelve categories and their corresponding occupations.

Science Career Clusters

Some organizations have created web sites that feature science careers.

Resource Eight: EEK! Get a Job Environmental Education for Kids
Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Eek! Get a Job Environmental Education for Kids is an electronic magazine for kids in grades 4 to 8. Eek! Get a Job provides information about:

Park Ranger
Wildlife Biologist
Park Naturalist

There is a job description for each career, a list of job activities, suggested activities to begin exploring careers, and needed job skills.

Resource Nine: GetTech
Source: National Association of Manufacturers, Center for Workforce Success, U.S. Department of Commerce, and U.S Department of Labor

Get Tech is a educational web site that provides CAREER EXPLORATION information.
Get Tech has information about the following industries:

New Manufacturing
Information Technology
Engineering and Industrial Technology
Biotechnology and Chemistry
Health and Medicine
Arts & Design

Within each area, there are examples of careers.

Each career profile gives:

General description
Number of people employed to job
Number of jobs available in the future
Place of work
Level of education required
Location of training programs: University Pharmacy Programs.
Courses needed

There is a Get Tech Teacher's Guide.

Resource Ten: LifeWorks
Source: National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education

LifeWorks is a career exploration web site for middle and high school students. LifeWorks has information on more than 100 medical science and health careers. For each career, LifeWorks has the following information:

Education required
Interest area
Median salary
True stories of people who do the different jobs

LifeWorks has a Career Finder that allows you to search by Name of Job, Interest Area, Education Required, or Salary.

Resource Eleven: San Diego Zoo Job Profiles for Kids
Source: San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo Job Profiles discussed jobs for people who:

Work with animals
Work with plants
Work with science and conservation
Work with people
Work that helps run the Zoo and Park

There are activities listed under each area, for example:

What we do
What is cool about this job
Job challenges
How this job helps animals
How to get a job like this
Practice Being a ...
How to Become a ...

Resource Twelve: Scientists in Action!
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior

Scientists in Action features summaries of the lives of people involved in careers in the natural sciences:

Mapping the planets
Sampling the ocean floor
Protecting wildlife
Forecasting volcanic eruptions

Resource Twelve: Want To Be a Scientist?
Source: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of the Agriculture

Want To Be a Scientist is a career exploration web site for kids about 8 to 13 years old. Want To Be a Scientist has a series of job descriptions, stories, and other resources about what scientists do here at the ARS.

These stories include information about:

Plant Pathologist
Soil Scientist
Animal Scientist
Plant Physiologist

Specific Science Careers

The last group of web sites is dedicated to providing information on specific science careers, for example veterinarians,

Resource Thirteen: About Veterinarians
Source: American Veterinary Medical Association

About Veterinarians has facts about:

What is a Veterinarian?
Becoming a Veterinarian
Making a Career Decision
What Personal Abilities Does a Veterinarian Need?
What Are the Pluses and Minuses of a Veterinary Career?
Veterinary Education
General Information
After Graduation From Veterinary School
General Information
School Statistics
Preparation Advice
Preveterinary Coursework
Where Most Schools Are Located
About School Accreditation
The Phases of Professional Study
The Clinical Curriculum
The Academic Experience
Roles of Veterinarians
Private Practice
Teaching and Research
Regulatory Medicine
Public Health
Uniformed Services
Private Industry
Employment Outlook
Employment Forecast
The Advantage of Specializing
Greatest Potential Growth Areas
Other Professional Directions
AVMA Veterinary Career Center
Becoming a Veterinary Technician
Your Career in Veterinary Technology
Duties and Responsibilities
Career Opportunities
Education Required
Distance Learning
Professional Regulations
Further Information

Resource Fourteen: Aquarium Careers
Source: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Aquarium Careers features careers information. For each Staff Profiles, there is Educational Background and Skills Needed. The Staff Profiles include:

Education Specialist
Exhibits Coordinator
Exhibit Designer
Research Biologist
Science Writer

The Aquarium Careers web site answers the following questions:

What should I do now to prepare for a career in marine biology?
Where can I find a good college for marine biology?
What should be my college major?
How do I pick a graduate school?
I'm not sure of my area of interest. What should I do?

Marine Science Career Resources include information on:

Marine Advanced Technology Education
Marine Mammal Center, California
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California
Scripps Library
Sea Grant
Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station
State University of New York at Stony Brook

Resource Fifteen: Engineering The Stealth Profession
Source: Discover Engineering

Engineering The Stealth Profession has a lot of information about engineers:

Types of Engineers
Aerospace Engineering
Ceramic/Materials Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical/Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Other Engineers
True Stories
Education Required
Work Schedules
Equipment Used

Resource Sixteen: Sea Grant Marine Careers
Source: Marine Careers

Sea Grant Marine Careers gives you facts about marine career fields and to people working in those fields. Sea Grant Marine Careers outlines information on:

Marine Biology
Ocean Engineering
Related Fields

In each area, there is a detailed description of the type of the work that the scientists do. There are feature stories for different scientists in the career field.

The career profiles include information on:

What is your current job and what does it entail?
What was the key factor in your career decision?
What do you like most about your career?
What do you like least about your career?
What do you do to relax?
Who are your heroes/heroines?
What advice would you give a high school student who expressed an interest in pursuing a career in your field?
Are career opportunities in your field increasing or decreasing and why?
What will you be doing 10 years from today?
What is the salary range?

Resource Seventeen: Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist?
Source: Volcano World

Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist? provides the following descriptions:

The Word Volcanologist
Daily work
Traits for success

Career web sites help you build awareness of the different aspects of careers: the tasks, wages, career outlook, interests, education, knowledge, and skills. We know that you will be fun exploring careers.

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Career Exploration Articles

Here are some articles about career exploration, articles, career explorer, and elementary career education.

Teachers and Counselors, Help Your Students Become Career Explorers

As teachers and counselors, you help students explore careers. You aid your students as they search for meaning, purpose, and direction. You see their talents. You know their interests, abilities, and skills. You help students plan for the future.

You understand students. You know that students -

  • Are curious
  • Love colorful, multimedia presentations
  • Use their senses and imaginations in career exploration

You have searched for tools that will help you unlock their potentials.

Tips for Finding the Right Career Tool

Career tools help your students explore who they really are. Career tools include career self assessment tests, games, web sites, and books. Career tests answer the question "Who am I?" Career assessments point out your students' likes, dislikes, or interests. Kid career tools should be fun, educational, and not boring.

Search for the resource that meets your students' needs. Look at the benefits. Find tests, assessments, games, web sites, and books that are -

  • Eye appealing
  • Easy to use
  • Full of resources

With the right resource, students are ready and willing to -

  • Explore
  • Investigate
  • Learn
  • Ask questions
  • Enjoy discovering who they are
  • Gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding

An effective career tool motivates your students to explore careers. Creative career tools build a foundation for more detailed career exploration.

Step One: Select a Career Test

How do you choose the right career tests? Look at 3 major areas -

  • Format, e.g. Printed, CD-ROM, or on-line
  • Cost -$10, $12, $15, $20 or more
  • Resources - Information on interests, skills, and careers

When you look at a career test, ask yourself the following questions -

  • What do your students prefer? Printed or on-line career test?
  • What is your budget for the tests?
  • What resources do you have? Do you have a computer lab?

Find career tests that your students are interested in and that provide valuable information about careers and your student's interests. Look at career tests that use well-known career models. Match students' interest clusters to career or job codes. Use newer color-coded career tests that simply career models. The use of colors improves attention span, concentration, memory skills, and understanding. As students grow older, continue to use career models expand their knowledge of careers and college majors. There are a variety of career tests for youth, college students, and adults.

Step Two: Explore Career Web Sites and Books

Career tests prepare students to explore careers. Gather information about fun, informative, and attractive career exploration web sites and books. Look for web sites and books that provide career information about -

  • Tasks
  • Wages
  • Career outlook
  • Interests
  • Education
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Similar careers
Examples of kid career exploration web sites and books are -
  • Career Ship
  • What Do You Like
  • Eek! Get a Job
  • LifeWorks
  • Young Person's Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • Career Ideas for Kids Book Series
  • I Want To Be Book Series

Career exploration is a process. As teachers and counselors, use resources that make your journey enjoyable, educational, and effective. Plan successful kid career exploration expeditions.

Written by: Dr. Mary Askew
Copyright 2007 Dr. Mary Askew All Rights Reserved

Elementary School Teachers, Counselors, and Career Education

As teachers and counselors, you know that the elementary school years are important. During the elementary school years, your students build visions of what they desire to do in their lives as they contribute to the workforce. With your help, your students remain open to new career ideas and possibilities. As you work with your students, your students do not make premature career choices or career preparations. For your students, elementary school is a time to build awareness.

As elementary school teachers and counselors, you use career education to promote self-worth, skill development, and decision making strategies. Your activities are designed to build self, family, school, community, and career awareness. You use age-appropriate materials that match your students' developmental levels. These activities expose your students to a variety of different jobs, career information sources, and the reasons why people work.

When you prepare to develop age-appropriate materials products, tests and tools, you use career models like the National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG). The National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) have domains, goals, and indicators. Each domain represents a developmental area. Under each domain, there are goals or competencies. For each goal, indicators highlight the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the goal. The National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) prepares you to make materials that are suitable for your students.

As a elementary school counselors and teachers, you create individual career plans and portfolios. Individual career plans (ICP) -

  • Develop self-awareness
  • Identify initial career goals and educational plans
  • Increase employability and decision making skills

Individual career portfolios summarize career awareness activities and experiences that occur during the school year. In addition to individual career plans and portfolios, you use a variety of resources –

  • Career days
  • Career fairs
  • Community speakers
  • Field trips
  • Information interviewing
  • Literary works
  • Mentors
  • Collages, murals
  • Educational games
  • Job shadowing
  • Dramatic presentations

All of the career activities and tools combine academic work with career pathways. Career activities serve as foundations for future skills. As teachers and counselors, you help students build connections between academics and real life situations. You use career education activities to stress the importance of language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.

You show students that Language Arts have many uses in the work force:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening skills

You provide examples that show how people solve problems when they use Mathematics. Different types of Mathematics include:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

In Social Studies, your students learn how skills that are necessary to be successful in the global marketplace. In Social Studies, your students learn about -

  • Countries
  • Languages
  • Cultures

Your students learn the importance of Science gaining skills to solve problems. You show your students how applications of Science are used in different industries, such as -

  • Food
  • Media
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive industry

The connections between academics and real life situations reinforce, develop, and expand previously learned skills. In summary, as a elementary school teachers and counselors, you help students:

  • Know and value self
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Learn and apply the academic material
  • Identify interests and build relationships between the school environment and the work force
  • Build academic, communication, problem solving, and social skills
  • Increase awareness of the need for future jobs skills
  • See the connections between learning in school, academic skills, job related skills, and careers
  • See career possibilities
  • See themselves as a future contributor to the job force
  • Receive empowerment
  • Build self-determination

As counselors and teachers, you build self-awareness, family awareness, school awareness, community awareness, career/ work awareness, attitude development, skill development, decision making strategies, and self-worth. You use age-appropriate materials that match the developmental levels of the students. Examples of activities include individual career plans (ICP), individual career portfolios, career days, career fairs, field trips, information interviewing, and library book reports.

After completing career education activities, your students are prone to get higher grades, academic achievement, school involvement, and interpersonal skills. In addition, your students are more adept to complete more complex courses and have higher graduation rates from high school. As your students get older, they will achieve their career visions and goals.


1. American Counseling Association, Office of Public Policy and Legislation. (2007). Effectiveness of School Counseling. Alexandria, VA: Author.

2. Angel, N. Faye; Mooney, Marianne. (1996, December). Work-in-Progress: Career and Work Education for Elementary Students. (ED404516). Cincinnati, OH: Paper presented at the American Vocational Association Convention.

3. Benning, Cathleen; Bergt, Richard; Sausaman, Pamela. (2003, May). Improving Student Awareness of Careers through a Variety of Strategies. Thesis: Action Research Project. (ED481018). Chicago, Illinois: Saint Xavier University.

4. Career Tec. (2000). K-12 Career Awareness & Development Sequence [with Appendices, Executive and Implementation Guide]. (ED450219) .Springfield, Il: Author.

5. Carey, John. (2003, January). What are the Expected Benefits Associated with Implementing a Comprehensive Guidance Program. School counseling Research Brief 1.1. Amherst, MA: Fredrickson Center for School Counseling Outcome Research.

6. Dare, Donna E.; Maddy-Bernstein, Carolyn. (1999, September). Career Guidance Resource Guide for Elementary and Middle/Junior High School Educators. (ED434216). Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

7. DuVall, Patricia. (1995).Let's Get Serious about Career Education for Elementary Students. AACE Bonus Briefs. (ED386603). Hermosa Beach, CA: AACE Bonus Briefs.

8. Ediger, Marlow. (2000, July). Vocational Education in the Elementary School. (ED442979) Opinion Papers

9. Gerver, Miriam, Shanley, Judy, O Cummings, Mindee. (2/14/02). Answering the Question EMSTAC Extra Elementary and Middle Schools. Washington, DC: Technical Assistance Center, (EMSTAC).

10. Hurley, Dan, Ed.; Thorp, Jim, Ed. (2002, May). Decisions without Direction: Career Guidance and Decision-Making among American Youth. (ED465895). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Ferris State University Career Institute for Education and Workforce Development.

11. Maddy-Bernstein, Carolyn; Dare, Donna E. (1997,December).Career Guidance for Elementary and Middle School Students. Office of Student Services Brief, v9 n1. (ED415353). Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

12. Ohio Department of Education, Division of Vocational and Career Education, Ohio Career Development Blueprint, Individual Career Plan, K to 5 (ED449322). Columbus, Ohio, 2000

13. Splete, Howard; Stewart, Amy. (1990). Competency-Based Career Development Strategies and the National Career Development Guidelines. Information Series No. 345. (ED327739). Columbus, Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse on Education and Training for Employment & Ohio State University

14. U.S. Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education. (1994, 2004). National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG). Washington, DC: Author.

15. Williams, Jean A., Ed. (1999, January). Elementary Career Awareness Guide: A Resource for Elementary School Counselors and Teachers. (ED445293). Raleigh, NC: NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Job Ready.

16. Woal, S. Theodore. (1995). Career Education--The Early Years. AACE Bonus Briefs. (ED386603). Hermosa Beach, CA: AACE Bonus Briefs.

Copyright 2007 Dr. Mary Askew All Rights Reserved

Mary Askew, Basic PLUS Author

Monday, August 13, 2007

Affiliate Program - Part Two

We have updated our Affiliate Programs. We have added clear step-by-step directions.



  • Complete the CLICKBANKS Sign-Up Form.
  • During the signup process you will select your ClickBank nickname. Your "nickname" is your unique ID that allows us to accurately track and award the commissions you earn.
  • After completing the sign-up, CLICKBANKS will show you "easy" steps to create a "hoplink".
  • For an affiliate to earn credit for a sale, the customer must first follow a ClickBank "hoplink".
  • The link takes the customer to the our sales page, and automatically credits YOU with that referral.

Save Clickbank Account Name and Password.

Once you get your Clickbank Nickname and Password, here are some instructions to create customer e-mails.

Before you close your Clickbank account, print the page and copy the information to a MS Word Document.

To copy the Clickbank Account Name and Password to MS Word –

  • Highlight the Clickbank Account Name and Password.
  • Click “Edit” then “Copy”.
  • Open MS Word.
  • Click “Edit” then "Paste”.
  • Save the file as Clickbank Account Name and Password”.

With Clickbank links, you send your customers to Clickbank web page, and you receive commissions when your customers make purchases.

Create CLICKBANK Link.

Your ClickbankLink is called a Clickbank hoplink.

The Clickbank hoplink takes your customers to the Hoplink Target URL (

When your customers make a purchase, your Clickbank hoplink automatically credits you (the affiliate) with that referral sales commission. Your referral sales commission from is 75%!

Here are the steps to create your hoplink.

  • Copy these instructions and paste them into your “Clickbank Account Name and Password” file.
    Rename the file “Clickbank Hoplink”.
  • Look at the format for the hoplink - is the PUBLISHER.
    The Account Nickname for is learning4l.
    We added the Account Nickname to the link.
  • Here is the new link – http://AFFILIATE.
  • Now you need to add your information.
    Get your AFFILIATE information.
    Your AFFILIATE information = Your Clickbank account nickname.
  • Add your Clickbank account nickname in the link below -

Now, you can use this link in e-mails.

Send your customers to the Hoplink Target URL ( , and you automatically receive credits for the referral sales commission when the customer makes a purchase.

Now you are ready to make Clickbank Referral Commissions.

Add your Clickbanks Link to Content from the Web Page.

Here is a sentence from the web site. "Holland Code Toolkits are visual learning techniques that introduce careers and Holland Codes.”

Insert your hoplink as a link in the words "Holland Code Toolkits”.

To copy your “Clickbank Hoplink”-

1. Highlight your “Clickbank Hoplink”.

2. Click “Edit” then “Copy”.

3. Select the text or words "Holland Code Toolkits" you want to display as the hyperlink, and then click Insert and then Insert Hyperlink.

You are going to add a link for Your HopLink.

4. Under Link to, click Existing File or Web Page.

5. To paste the link, hold down the “Ctrl” and the “P” keys.
Your HopLink should appear in the “Address” box.

6. Click “OK”.

Add your “Clickbank Hoplink”in the content below.

"Holland Code Toolkits are visual learning techniques that introduce careers and Holland Codes.

The "Holland Code Toolkits" are -

  • Eye appealing - Is a colorful presentation
  • Easy to use - Facilitates learning through the use of graphics
  • Comprehensive - Shows the relationships between careers, interests, and Holland Codes
  • Easy to understand - Simplifies the understanding of career exploration and the Holland Codes
  • Easy scoring - Sorts quickly according to likes and dislikes
  • Reproducible - Print as many posters as you need

The "Holland Code Toolkits" clarify thoughts, integrate new knowledge, and promote critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.

The "Holland Code Toolkits" organize and analyze information.

Children, youth, and adults -

  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized

The "Holland Code Toolkits" also improve –

  • Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information
  • Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
  • Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests.

The "Holland Code Toolkits" are powerful resource tools that have career planning curriculum, educational career assessments, lesson plans and educational resources that introduce information about Holland Codes, careers, and colleges.

Send this content to your family, friends, associates, and customers.

Find Other Holland Code Products.

To find our other products -

  • Go to the Clickbank Marketplace.
  • Enter the words "Career Explorers".
  • Press the "Go" button.
  • Look for the phrase "Career Explorers". Great for teachers, counselors, and consultants. Treasure box of career exploration classroom activities".
  • Get your hoplink. To get your hoplink, go to the end of the phrase "Career ....activities" and click the "create hoplink" button.
  • In the pop-up window, enter your "Nickname".
  • Click the "Submit" Button.

A new pop-up window will appear with the "hoplink".

Join the CLICKBANKS Program.



To enter the PAYLOADZ Program -

You need to have a PayPal account. Click here to sign up for Paypal.Complete the One Step PayLoadz Account Setup.
Create your free account in one easy step by filling out the form below. Your account will be activated instantly and you will be able to begin selling your digital goods in just minutes. During the registering process, you will enter your e-mail address. You will also select a PASSWORD.

Save PayLoadz Username and Password.

Once you get your PayLoadz Username and Password, here are some instructions to create customer e-mails.

Before you close your PayLoadz account, print the page and copy the information to a MS Word Document.

To copy the PayLoadz Username and Passwordto MS Word –

  • Highlight the PayLoadz Username and Password.
  • “Edit” then “Copy”.
  • Open MS Word.
  • Click “Edit” then "Paste”.
  • Save the file as “PayLoadz Username and Password”.

With PayLoadz Affiliate links, you send your customers to product web page, and you receive commissions when your customers make purchases.

Types of PayLoadz Links

Your Payloadz Affiliate Link is also called an Affiliate Code. There are 3 types of Affiliate Codes -

  • Option #1: Jump Page
    The link should be used when you want to refer your visitor to the Merchant's selling page. This is the easiest option to create.
  • Option #2: Purchase GoLink
    The following link should be used when you will provide your own selling page where your visitors can purchase the item directly from your site.
  • Option #3: Add to Cart GoLink
    The following link should be used when you will provide your own selling page where your visitors can purchase one or more items from your own site.

Creating PayLoadz Link Option #1

When your customers use the Payloadz Affiliate Link Option #1, your customers will be directed to the product web page.

1. Click on the PayLoadz Affiliate Code Generator Link -
Career Cluster Resource Booklet -

2. You will be redirected to the PayLoadz Affiliate Code Generator web page.
At the PayLoadz Affiliate Code Generator web page, you will get your Affiliate ID (aff_id).

3. Enter your e-mail address.

4. You will be redirected to the PayLoadz Affiliate Code Generator web page.
At the PayLoadz Affiliate Code Generator web page, you will see Option #1: Jump Page.

Place this link in e-mails. This link will direct your customers to the product web page. When your customers make a purchase, your PayLoadz Affiliate Code automatically credits you (the affiliate) with that referral sales commission.

Payloadz Affiliate Sample Code Generator Web Page

Here is a sample from the Payloadz Affiliate Code Generator web page.

Product Title: Career Cluster Resource booklet.

Affiliate Code Generator

To begin earning revenues through our affiliate program, you will need to copy a code sample below and paste it into your site. Then whenever someone buys one of the items from your site, you will be credited the affiliate fee amount specified. Merchants are required to pay affiliate dues at least once a month.

Step 2: Select a Code Option

Choose from any of the code options below and copy the link provide into your selling pages. Once you upload the files to your server, you're ready to sell!

Merchant: Learning for Life Resource Center
Name: Career Cluster Resource Booklet
Price: 7.00
Affiliate Fee : $3.50
Information URL:

Affiliate Code

Use following code options to begin selling this product.

Option #1: Jump Page

The following link should be used when you want to refer your visitor to the Merchant's selling page. Use the following URL for this method:

XXXXX represents your affiliate ID (aff_id).

Holland codes PayLoadz Code Generator Links

Here are the Payloadz Affiliate Code Generator Links for products: