Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Top 50 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools

Top 50 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools

Today there are many social media tracking and analytics tools available that can track your performance on social media sites like twitter. These tools are essentially tweet analyzing software that assists a company/individual with various kind of analysis including sentiment, behavioral and other analysis.

100+ Career Blogs ALL Professionals MUST Read | Career Rocketeer - Career Search and Personal Branding Blog

100+ Career Blogs ALL Professionals MUST Read | Career Rocketeer - Career Search and Personal Branding Blog

Career Rocketeer has compiled and presents to you the ultimate, definitive list of career blogs you should be reading, including those of authors, bloggers, coaches and experts in the world of personal branding and marketing, career and job searching, networking, social media, resume writing and more.

Top 50 Employers Using Twitter for Recruiting - Job Search News

Job-Hunt.org has conducted research to list the Top 50 Employers Using Twitter for Recruiting - Job Search News.

Job-Hun.org also has information on -

Job Search Advice & Tips

Networking Resources

Are Twitter lists the new #FollowFriday? Are you using Twitter lists to monitor your brand?

Are Twitter lists the new #FollowFriday? Are you using Twitter lists to monitor your brand?

If you have been using Twitter for a while, you have surely seen many tweets posted every Friday by thousands of Twitter users, prefixed with #Followfriday, #followfriday, or #FF. What is #Followfriday? #Followfriday is quite simply, a way to recommend to all your followers, the people you follow whom you feel share valuable content, e.g., industry leaders, writers, bloggers, career experts, authors, and other interesting people...