for Elementary/ Middle School
Career Awareness and Career Exploration
The elementary career education
printable worksheets are
VISUAL learning techniques, and career test for kids that use colors to represent
Holland Codes and
Paint Careers With Colors Codes.
The career education
printable worksheets clarify thoughts, integrate new knowledge, and promote critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
The worksheets organize and analyze information. Children, youth, and adults -
- See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
- Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
Paint Careers With Colors System also improves –
- Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information
- Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
- Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests.
Use the career education
printable worksheets at -
- Schools
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- YMCA/ YWCA Programs
- Afterschool Programs
- Kids Go To Work Days
- Career Days
- Summer School Programs
Paint Careers With Colors Kids System has an excellent
printable worksheets and a career test for
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -
- Who are In ESL/GED programs
- Who have limited reading ability
- Who have limited knowledge of English
- Who are developmentally delayed
- Who are learning disabled
- Who have special needs
- Who have limited access to education
- Who are chronically unemployed
Paint Careers With Colors System has the following items -
Read about
Paint Careers With Colors System -
career awareness programs, students do not make premature career choices.
Elementary school career education is not career exploration or career preparation.
Elementary students remain open to new career ideas and possibilities.
Elementary students build awareness of -
- Self
- Personal interactions
- School
- Workforce
Career awareness programs use age appropriate materials and
printable worksheets that match the developmental levels of the students.
Age appropriate printable worksheets expose students to a variety of -
- Different jobs
- Career information sources
- The reasons why people work
Programs also incorporate academic career pathways into
printable worksheets and classroom activities.
After completing elementary school career awareness
printable worksheets, students have -
- Higher grades
- Higher academic achievement
- Improved school involvement, as well as
- An increase in career awareness exploration, personal, and interpersonal skills
In addition, the students complete more complex courses and have a higher graduation rate from high school.
In summary, using elementary school career education
printable worksheets, students:
- Learn and apply the academic material
- Know and value self
- Build self-esteem and confidence
- Identify interests and build relationships between the school environment and the work force
- Build academic, communication, problem solving, and social skills
- Increase awareness of the need for future jobs skills
- See the connections between learning in school, academic skills, job related skills, and careers
- See career possibilities
- See themselves as a future contributor to the job force
- Receive empowerment
- Build self-determination (2,7,9)
Purpose and Rationale for the Paint Career With Colors Printable Worksheets
1. What does the Paint Career With Colors
Printable Worksheets measure?
The Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets measures -
- Interests
- Abilities
- Skills
2. What are the concepts or theories underlying the development of this Paint Career With Colors
Printable Worksheets?
Dr. John L. Holland (1985) created
Holland Code Career Model, Holland Hexagon Model or
Holland Codes.
Holland Code Career Model matches jobs into -
- Job codes
- Interest clusters
- Work personality environments
- Personality types
Occupational Codes are -
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Conventional
Holland Codes assessments provide -
- Career cluster information
- College major information
- Lists of careers
- Job finder resources
Description of the Paint Career With Colors Printable Worksheets
1. What is the structure of the instrument?
The Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets are VISUAL learning techniques and career test for kids that use colors to represent Holland Codes.
The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test and
printable worksheets clarify thoughts, integrate new knowledge, and promote critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Job Test and
printable worksheets organizes and analyzes information. Children, youth, and adults –
- See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
- Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
2. How many parts are there in career test?
The Paint Careers With Colors test
printable worksheets have six sections.
3. What does each section measures?
Each section measures the one of the six RIASEC or Holland Codes.
4. How many items does the Paint Career With Colors Career Test contain?
The Paint Careers With Colors Career Test has 54 items.
5. What type(s) of scores are generated?
2 – letter Holland Code
6. What is the format of the System?
The Paint Careers With Colors is a printed test. Group or individual administration? Paint Careers With Colors can be administered to groups and individuals.
7. What are the required response modes of the printable worksheets?
8. What is the total estimated time required for administration?
Total estimated time is 30 minutes.
9. What is the proposed scoring procedure?
The Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets are self – scoring. How long will it take to score the Paint Career With Colors
Printable Worksheets? Total scoring time is 5 minutes.
1. What nonconsumable (i.e., reusable) components do you anticipate will be required for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Paint Career With Colors Printable Worksheets? (e.g., System manuals,
printable worksheets, scoring keys, System plates, booklets, manipulatives)?
Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets contain –
- Career Model
- Table of Contents
- Starter Kit
- Facilitator's Manual
- Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents Career System
- Occupational Posters with Colorful Graphics
- Poster Instruction and Printable Worksheets
- Color Chart
- Web Site and Book Resource Guide
2. Describe each of these components in terms of the anticipated production characteristics: page size, number of pages, color(s) of ink, special forms (e.g., multi-forms, self-carboning), extraordinary use of graphical images, line drawings, or other illustrations, etc.
The Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets are
VISUAL career exploration System for children that use colors to represent Holland Codes.
Career Models
There are two models –
- RIASEC Version
- Paint Careers With Colors Version
RIASEC Version is for Middle School students. For Middle School students, the
RIASEC Version should be used with the
Self-Directed Search Career Explorer. The
Paint Careers With Colors Version uses
easier – to – read terms for
elementary school students.
Starter Kit
Starter Kit helps teachers, counselors, and parents prepare for a
Paint Careers With Colors System. The
Starter Kit has the following items –
- News Release
- Flyers for children
- Flyers for teachers, counselors, and parents
- Tent Cards
- Name Tags
- Stickers for Tent Cards and Name Tags
Facilitator's Manual
Facilitator's Manual provides detailed
step-by-step printable worksheets and instructions to administer and implement the different aspects of the
Paint Careers With Colors Kids Program.
Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents
Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents gives a description of the different parts of the Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets.
Career Test Guide
System Guide provides teachers and counselors with
step – by – step instructions and
printable worksheets for teachers and counselors.
Occupational Posters, Poster Instruction Sheets, and Printable Worksheets
three hundred (300) Colors to Careers Posters feature--
- Graphics
- Holland Codes
- Paint Careers With Colors Codes.
Paint Careers With Colors Posters have
easy scoring printable worksheets. You sort the posters quickly according to likes and dislikes. At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your
Holland Code and
Paint Careers With Colors Code. The posters are an excellent way to explore careers. The poster shows you’re the relationship between Holland Codes, Paint Careers With Colors Codes, and careers.
Paint Careers With Colors Color Chart and Printable Worksheets
The Paint Careers With Colors Color Chart and
Printable Worksheets show all of the information listed on the posters –
- Job Titles
- Career Color Codes
- 3 letter Holland Codes
- Colors to Careers Poster Numbers
Web Site and Book Resource Guide
Web Site and Book Resource Guide provides additional information about web site and books for children.
Primary Markets
1. What is the target population for the Paint Careers With Colors Printable Worksheets (i.e., demographic characteristics such as age, gender, etc.)
The target population for the Paint Career With Colors System is elementary or middle school students.
Other individuals who use the Paint Careers With Colors
Printable Worksheets include people:
- Who are In ESL/GED programs
- Who have limited reading ability
- Who have limited knowledge of English
- Who are developmentally delayed
- Who are learning disabled
- Who have special needs
- Who have limited access to education
2. What professional discipline(s) would be the potential purchasers and users of this System?
Professional disciplines include –
- Universities and college – Elementary school education and counseling professors
- Teaching – Teachers, tutors, and home educators
- Counseling – School counselors, career development facilitators, life coaches, and career coaches
- Child Development – After – School Instructors, Career Day Facilitators, and Community Agency Staff
- Social Services – Social workers, crisis counselors, and At – Risk Children Program Staff
3. Which settings would be appropriate for use of this System (e.g., schools, private clinics, hospitals, private practice, etc.)?<
Settings for the
Paint Careers With Colors include –
- Schools
- Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA/ YWCA Programs, and other community organizations
- Afterschool Programs
- Kids Go To Work Days
- Career Days
- Summer School Programs
Market Competition and Special Features
What other Systems are currently available that serve a similar function?
There is not a wide selection of Holland Code, visual, color-coded career
printable worksheets available for elementary or middle school students.
Literature Review
Different researchers have discussed the need for
elementary school career education.
According Ediger (2000),
elementary school career education is important. Ediger stated that "the elementary school years are not too early to begin to achieve a vision of what one desires to do in life contributing to the world of work". Without career education, students have
unrealistic perceptions of careers due to a lack of knowledge and poor decision making. Students have limited knowledge and exposure to careers. When students look at the different industries e.g. sports, media and entertainment, most students underestimate the skills and time required to have successful careers.
Richard W. Auger, Anne E. Blackhurst, Kay Herting Wahl reported the importance of
elementary school career education. There is increasing evidence in the research literature that career development is a lifelong process that begins in childhood (Magnuson & Starr, 2000; Trice, 1991; Trice & McClellan, 1993, 1994). Research also suggested that elementary-aged children may tend to aspire to careers that are out of the reach of all but a select few, such as a career as a professional athlete (Bobo, Hildreth, & Durodoye, 1998; Cook et al., 1996; Helwig, 2001).
Donna E. Palladino Schultheiss, Thomas V. Palma, Alberta J. Manzi cited that research suggests that students who
drop out of school at age 16 have psychologically disengaged from school as early as Grade 3 (McWhirter, McWhirter, McWhirter, & McWhirter, 1998). Moreover, sixth-through-ninth-grade children have demonstrated very little understanding of how school relates to the real world and seem to have little to no awareness of the skills and knowledge needed for success in the future (Johnson, 2000).
Paint Careers With Colors Model
There are two versions – the
RIASEC Version and the
Children’s Version.
RIASEC Version is for
Middle School students. For
Middle School students, the
RIASEC Version should be used with the
Self-Directed Search Career Explorer.
We used all three of your wonderful career training materials Paint with Colors, Picture Inventory Codes, and Holland’s Self Directed Search for children in K-12 settings in mainland China and met with tremendous success! Our company InterLangua was asked to establish Career Guidance with the YuCai Group Education Consortium (Shenzhen). Prior to this, Chinese families in the school would get together and decide what would interest their child. There was little formal exploration and matching of interests and abilities, rather, a seemingly rote list of jobs and titles that were typical and practical.
From Elisabeth Montgomery, Ph.D. – InterLangua, LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China)
Great materials for training in life skills! The easy to use, visual, job posters, games, and career tests provide a wealth of ideas and discussions for us as career facilitators, and for teachers and parents. We now have a common vocabulary with which to steer children into worlds of discovery despite language and cultural barriers to career exploration. After our training, not only were youngsters able to identify jobs they wanted to do in the future, but middle school kids explored their current interests on deeper levels and talked to their parents about new jobs in emerging fields.
From Sun Wei Hong – Quality Director, InterLangua LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China)
One of our Chinese students, applying for top 10 colleges in the USA wrote, “Another thing I really liked about the Holland Code test was how it offered a description of what kind of personalities and characteristics were suitable for different jobs. It helped me find my match more easily and led me to think more about what kind of person I really was and whether my ideal job was really a good match for my personality traits.”
From: Wei Xiou Yang - senior student at Shenzhen Foreign Language School.
Using your Holland SDS materials at InterLangua’s Trainings, college youth found more clarity in planning their college goals. One graduate student in finance wrote:“This is extremely useful for those who are planning their career, looking for jobs or thinking about changing jobs. Holland codes SDS helps them identify their potential domain and help them to achieve their goals more quickly therefore happily! It really serves as a compass which guides people to the direction of success.”
From Cao Xiao Zhou “Ben” – graduate student, Paris High-Technology Poly-technic.
I just reviewed the Paint Careers with Colors and really liked it. I look forward to using it in the 2007-08 school year here at Kealakehe Elementary in Kona As I mentioned, I will be teaching a state-wide distance learning course called Establishing an Elementary Career/Guidance Program for elementary school counselors to earn professional development credit. I will offer your website as a resource for them to participate in the preview program as well. Congratulations on developing a very user-friendly program for children!
From: M. Bernier, School Counselor, Kealakehe Elementary School
...I think the Paint with Colors is a great tool for career exploration with children. My students enjoyed using it, and I plan to use it in when I teach the Career Counseling course again next summer. Thank you for making it available...
From: Dr. R. B. Palmer, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Department, Eastern University
The children's version is simpler to understand and use than other interest inventories I have reviewed… The pictures are clear, informative and stimulate career exploration and conversation.
From: A. Eubanks, Vocational Services Program Manager, Stanford Home for Children
Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test
Paint Careers With Colors Kids Job Test uses
self-by-step activities, printable worksheets, career games for Kids, and kids activities for career choices to highlight
Holland Codes or
Colors to Careers Codes. On each
printable worksheet, you choose the careers that you like or are interested in.
At the end of the
job test for kids, you summarize your results. The
Summary Sheet identifies your
Holland Codes or Colors to
Careers Codes.
Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test comes with a
Colors to Careers Career Model,
Colors to Careers Code or Holland Code Descriptions, and
Color Key. The
Paint Careers With Colors Child Career Test is an excellent tool to
introduce you to
career exploration, Holland Codes, and
Colors to Careers Codes. The graphics
hold your attention as you identify your career interests.
Career Test comes with -
- Children Test
- Children Test Guide
- Photo Test
- Photo Test Guide
- RIASEC Test Guide
Colors to Careers Posters
three hundred (300) Colors to Careers Posters feature
graphics, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The
Colors to Careers Posters are
easy scoring printable worksheets. You
sort the posters
quickly according to likes and dislikes. At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your
Holland Code and
Colors to Careers Code. The posters are an excellent way to explore careers. The poster shows you’re the relationship between
Holland Codes, Color-to Careers Codes, and
Career Posters comes with -
- Children Version
- Leaders Version
- RIASEC Version
- Photo Posters
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Photo Version
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – RIASEC Version
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Children Version
Paint Careers With Colors Poster Analyzer
The Analyzer program is an alternative to the paper and pencil model of RIASEC Paint Careers With Colors. The Analyzer will automatically produce the three let code based on the selection that the test taker provides.
The Holland Codes Occupational Poster Scoring System is an automated poster scoring system.
With the Holland Codes Occupational Poster Scoring System, clients sort posters according to likes and dislikes.
The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.
In addition, the new automated system can be used over and over again with individualized results based on the user’s selections.
There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.
Clients, students, and children will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button have their unique Holland Code results displayed on the computer screen. You will enjoy using this career exploration activity.
Paint Careers With Colors Promotional Starter Kit
Use the
Starter Kit to promote the
Paint Careers With Colors System.
The Starter Kit helps teachers, counselors, and parents prepare for a Paint Careers With Colors System. The
Starter Kit has the following items –
- News Release
- Flyers for children
- Flyers for teachers, counselors, and parents
- Tent Cards
- Name Tags
- Stickers for Tent Cards and Name Tags
flyers and News Release help to advertise the Program.
News Release advertises the beginning of the
Paint Careers With Colors System. Send out the News Release prior to starting the system.
Children’s and Adult’s Flyers provide information about the
Paint Careers With Colors System.
Name Tags and Tent Cards to identify children, students, teachers, counselors, or parents.
Individuals place stickers on
Name Tags and Tent Cards. The
Stickers lists the
6 Holland Codes or
6 Colors to Careers Codes. When the children or students have completed the
Career Test, they will be instructed to place the correct labels on their
Name Tags and Tent Cards. The
Stickers identify each individual’s
Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes.
Career Resource Guide
Career Resource Guide (Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, and Teens) includes additional information from the following areas –
- Holland Code Career Assessment Activities
- Awareness, Assessment, and Knowledge Resources
- Career Exploration Sites
Career Resource Guide (Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, and Teens) covers -
1. Look at Exploring Careers Web Sites
- Curriculum
- Career Information
- Science Career Group
- Specific Careers — Science
2. Look at Exploring Careers Books
Guide to Unlock Your Potential Curriculum 2009
Guide to Unlock Your Potential Curriculum provides strategies –
- To motivate students to expand their knowledge of themselves and the world of work
- To empower students with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to enhance their career and personal development
- To encourage the discovery and refinement of students’ work values, interests and skills, as well as their academic and career planning
Unlock Your Treasure – Children
Children’s version of the
Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration is used in conjunction with the
Self Directed Search Career Explorer and the
Paint Careers With Colors System (Children's and RIASEC Version).
Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration has
3 sections:
- Guide to Exploring Careers
- Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, Kids and Children
- Visual Aids or Screenshots from the Unlock the Treasure Chest Guidebook
Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration is for
kids and children who need a manual and
printable worksheets that will
guide them through the
steps of exploring careers.
The topics included in the
Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration Printable Worksheets are:
- Learning about Yourself
- Find the Secret Code
- Understand the Secret Code – The Holland Code
- Find Your Career Group
- Identify Careers Using Paint Careers With Colors System
- Identify Careers Using the Self Directed Search Career Explorer
- Explore Careers Using Career Web Sites
- Explore Career Using Career Books
Training Manual
Training Manual provides detailed
step-by-step instructions and
printable worksheets to administer and implement the different aspects of the Paint Careers With Colors System. The
Training Manual covers the following areas –
1. Introduction (For Parents, Teachers, & Counselors)
2. Paint Careers With Colors System –
- Model
- Career Test
- Posters
- Color Key
3. Awareness & Assessment: Teacher, Counselor, & Parent Guide
- 3 Ways To Choose a Right Career Test For Your Child or Student
- Holland Career Self Assessment Tests
- Features Of Career Self Assessments Tests
4. Guide To Exploring Careers – For Children
- Learning About Yourself
- Day One: Meet Your Guides and Get Your Map
- Day Two: Meet John Holland, a Great Explorer
- Day Three: Find The Secret Code
- Day Four: Understand The Secret Code – The Paint Careers With Colors Code
- Day Five: Find Your Career Group
- Day Six: Get Your Holland Code.
- Day Seven: Get Your Career List
- Day Eight: Look at Exploring Careers Web Sites
- Day Nine: Look at Exploring Careers Books
5. Career Posters – Keys To Explore Holland Codes, Paint Careers With Colors Codes, and Careers
6. Day Ten: Look at Career Posters
7. Paint Careers With Colors Career Posters
- Preparation For Career Poster Activity
- Sorting By Likes And Dislikes
- Summary Sheet
- Final Review
- Highest Code Letters
8. Starter Kit
9. Visual Aids Or Screenshots For Teachers, Counselors, Or Parents
10. Flash Cards
Flash Cards and Bingo Cards Sets
The purpose of the Flash Cards and Bingo Cards is to help the students:
- Discover their interests, abilities, and skills.
- Find out what makes their personality tick.
- Explore careers with middle school students, children, and kids.
- Link careers to interests, abilities and skills.
Flash Card Set has -
- Flash Cards – Adults Version
- Flash Cards - Children Version
The Bingo Cards has -
- Bingo Card Set – Children Version
- Bingo Master - Children Version
- Bingo Master Cutouts – Children Version
- Bingo Instruction Sheet and Printable Worksheets – Children Version
- Bingo Card Set – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Master – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Master Cutouts – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Instruction Sheet and Printable Worksheets – RIASEC Version
Paint Careers With Colors CD ROM Collection
There are four (4)
Paint Careers With Colors CD Collection.
- Foundational CD-ROM
- Bonus CD-ROM Number 1 – Training Resources
- Bonus CD-ROM Number 2 – Promotional Starter Kit Materials
- Bonus CD-ROM Number 3 – Holland Codes Toolkit
- Bonus CD-ROM Number 4 – Presentational Materials
Here is a detailed outline of the
Paint Careers With Colors CD Collection.
Foundational CD-ROM
1. Career Test - Children & RIASEC – Revising
- Children Test
- Children Test Guide
- Photo Test
- Photo Test Guide
- RIASEC Test Guide
2. Color Key
- Color Key -RIASEC Version
- Color Key –RIASEC Alphabetized Version
- Color Key-Children Version
- Color Key-Children2-Alphabetized Version
- Color Key-Photo . Version
- Color Key-Photo-Alphabetized Version
3. Posters
- Children Version
- Leaders Version
- RIASEC Version
- Photo Posters
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Photo Version
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – RIASEC Version
- Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009-children Version
4. Introduction
- Overview
- RIASEC VS Children Table
- Fact Sheets
- Paint Careers With Colors Wheel – Children
- Paint Careers With Colors Wheel – RIASEC
- RIASEC & Children Model Table
Bonus CD-ROM Number 1 – Training Resources
1. Career Resource Guide
2. Curriculum 2009
3. Unlock Your Treasure – Children
4. Training Manual
5. Mini-Posters - Children's Version
- Mini Posters Labels
- Mini Posters Instructions
- Mini Posters Scoring Sheet
6. Career and Holland Game
Bonus CD-ROM Number 2 – Promotional Starter Kit Materials
1. Brochure
2. Labels - Children Codes
3. Labels - RIASEC Codes
4. Flyer – Adults
5. Flyer – Children
6. Name Tags
7. News Release
8. Poster
9. Tent Cards
Bonus CD-ROM Number 3 – Holland Codes Toolkit CD-ROM
1. Analyzer
2. Flash Cards
- Flash Cards – Adults Version
- Flash Cards - Children Version
3. Bingo Cards
- Bingo Card Set – Children Version
- Bingo Master - Children Version
- Bingo Master Cutouts – Children Version
- Bingo Instruction Sheet – Children Version
- Bingo Card Set – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Master – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Master Cutouts – RIASEC Version
- Bingo Instruction Sheet – RIASEC Version
There are the following versions -
There are FREE
Certification or
Preview Programs (With CD
Collection Purchases).
Paint Careers With Colors Site Licenses
School Buildings and School Districts in the USA can purchase a single license that entitles all of their staff members to use the
Paint Careers With Colors CD Collection. The cost is
discounted to a
very affordable rate. We are offering
greatly reduced pricing for
complete school buildings and
school district.
School Building License: This allows
all staff members at a single location to have unlimited access to the Paint Careers With Colors CD Collection.
School District Licenses: This allows
all staff members within entire school district to have unlimited access to the Paint Careers With Colors CD Collection.
There are
FREE With Bulk Career Tests or CD Collection Site Licensing Purchases.
Paint Careers With Colors Preview/ Certification Programs
The purpose of the Paint Careers With Colors
Preview/ Certification Programs is to provide -
- Awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the Paint Careers With Colors System, career assessments, occupational posters, training materials, powerpoint tools, and marketing resources
- Means for teachers, counselors, educators, trainers, and parents to become specialists in Paint Career With Colors Preview/ Certification Program resources
Benefits of the Programs
Take the Paint Careers With Colors
Preview/ Certification Programs at your own pace.
Access lessons that provide
key information and
samples of the different parts of the
Paint Careers With Colors System.
After completing all of the lessons and quizzes in the Paint Careers With Colors
Preview/ Certification Program, you can -
- Possess knowledge and the skills necessary to implement the Paint Careers With Colors Program.
- Train other teachers, counselors, and parents
- Receive commissions for referring other teachers, counselors, and parents for the Paint Careers With Colors Program
- Receive a Paint Careers With Colors Program Preview/ Certification Program Certificate
- Be listed on the web site as a Paint Careers With Colors Trainer
Program Contents
After joining the
Preview/ Certification Programs, you will have access to the following
Paint Careers With Colors Lessons, Activities, and
Samples -
- Unit 1 Lesson 1 - Overview
- Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Fact Sheets
- Unit 1 Lesson 3 - Career Model
- Unit 1 Lesson 4 - Alphabetized Product List
- Unit 1 Lesson 5 - Step by Step Guide
- Unit 1 Lesson 6 - Educational Games
- Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Foundational CD-ROM
- Unit 2 Lesson 2 - Kids Job Test
- Unit 2 Lesson 3 - Occupational Posters
- Unit 3 Lesson 1 - Training Resources CD-ROM
- Unit 4 Lesson 1 - Promotional Starter Kit CD-ROM
- Unit 5 Lesson 1 - Holland Codes Toolkit CD-ROM
- Unit 6 Lesson 1 - Powerpoint Presentation CD-ROM
Preview/ Certification Program Costs
Cost: FREE Certification or Preview Programs with any
Bulk Career Tests or CD
Collection Site
Licensing Purchases!!!