Saturday, August 06, 2011

Back to School Career Test Sale

On Career Tests for Single Users (Bulk Tests)

The following career tests are on sale -

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Career and Life Explorer

Career Life Explorer

Career and Life Explorer is a Holland Code assessment that uses:
  • Appealing graphics
  • Easy-to-follow instructions
  • Proven career exploration principles
  • Great information to get young people thinking about their future—and encourages them to stay in school, explore positive career and learning options, and dream big
Career and Life Explorer provides the following information:
  • Start with "Uncover Career Clues."
  • Gather career information by looking at:
    • Who they admire
    • What they do well or enjoy doing
    • What are the key values
    • How important is money
    • What kinds of people they like to spend time with
    • How much education or training they would consider
    • What work environment they prefer, and more
  • Step 2: Select top picks from among six Holland Code "Interest Groups"
  • Step 3: Look up related jobs in a chart listing hundreds of job titles from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • Step 4: Use a "Discover Your Ideal Job" to write in key elements of their ideal job, including:
    • Values
    • Possible job titles
    • Skills
    • Education or training
    • Earnings
    • Other details
  • Step 5: Use an Action Plan worksheet to help plan high school courses, extracurricular activities, and other life experiences.
Format: 5.5 x 8.5, 12-panel foldout
Reading Level: Grade 6
Interest Level: Grades 6 to 12

Career Exploration Inventory has information about the Career Exploration Inventory.

career exploration inventory

Career Exploration Inventory is a career interest inventory with career information and career planning information.
The Career Exploration Inventory:
  • Is easy to read, self-scoring, self-interpreting
  • Gathers career information by looking at past, present, and future activities of your life. These areas include Work, Leisure, and Learning activities.
  • Helps you identify Clusters and GOE Interest Areas
  • Provides a list of related jobs in a chart listing hundreds of job titles, career salary, career research, and career information from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • Provides additional career resources
  • Create an Action Plan
  • Help you set Short Term, Medium Term, and Long Term Goals
The Career Exploration Inventory:
  • Is backed by strong validity
  • Uses proven career exploration principles.
  • Directs cross-reference to GOE and O’Net job reference systems.
The Scores from the Career Exploration Inventory connect you to 16 GOE career interest areas or Career Clusters with:
  • Related jobs
  • Education and training options
  • Leisure activities listed for each interest area
Format: 8.5 x 11, 12-panel foldout, self-scoring/self-interpreting, consumable, no other components needed.
Interest Level: High School-Adult
With each Career Cluster/GOE purchase, you will receive with free Career Cluster, GOE Code, and Holland Code cross-reference and Internet resource sheets.

Career Personality Inventory

Based on the MBTI personality types

Career Personality Inventory

The Career Personality Inventory is -
  • Self- scoring, self-interpreting, consumable, no other components needed
  • Comparable results to the MBTI
  • Match personality types to careers, work styles, skills, work environments, and work preferences with this easy-to-use assessment
  • Is based on the MBTI personality types
The CPI uses a simple and innovative testing method requiring test takers to -
  • Simply circle words that describe them
  • Total the number of descriptors circled
The CPI then helps users consider how their personality relates to their careers by focusing on their top two traits.
Users can match their personality types to careers and work preferences.
Clients then use the career planning guide and worksheet to set goals and start their career research.
Valid and reliable, the CPI provides a powerful and cost-effective alternative to any organization using similar but more expensive personality inventories.
Product type: Printed booklet
Interest level: Middle School-High School
Pages Opens to 8-panel foldout
Size: 8.5 x 11

Career Values Inventory

Career Values Inventory

The O*NET Career Values Inventory helps individuals explore over 900 O*NET job titles based on their work values and motivators.
Unlike the first edition of the Values Inventory which used a card sort to explore work values, the new edition uses an easier forced-choice method.
Consisting of only 36 items and taking less than 20 minutes to complete, this method provides accurate results in less time, as well as simplifies administration and scoring.
Once individuals have identified their most important work values, the inventory guides them to match their results to potential careers organized by both values and the preparation required (using the DOL’s five "job zones").
In depth suggestions for further research help individuals explore those careers, and a reproducible Job Information/Action Plan worksheet helps them pursue their goals.
The inventory is self-scoring and self-interpreting, takes less than thirty minutes to complete, and is based on decades of research.
Valid and reliable, this assessment is an ideal starting point for anyone engaging in career exploration.
Its incorporation of O*NET job titles also makes it highly compatible with a wide variety of occupational resources.
The O*NET is changing. The Department of Labor is revising and streamlining the Occupational Information Network to better match the rapidly changing economy. The Second Edition of the O*NET Career Values Inventory has been substantially revised.
In addition to moving from a card sort to a forced choice mechanic, it will feature streamlined instructions, an updated list of resources, an improved job information worksheet, and job titles drawn directly from the latest version of the O*NET.

Guide for Occupational Exploration Interest Inventory (GOEII)

Guide for Occupational Interest Inventory

Guide for Occupational Exploration Interest Inventory -
  • Has appealing graphics
  • Is easy-to-follow instructions
  • Is self-scoring
  • Matches your Interests to 250 Occupational Outlook Handbook and 1,000 O*NET career jobs with career salary information, career research, and career information
  • Is organized around 14 GOE career interest areas
Guide for Occupational Exploration Interest Inventory provides the following information from the ORIGINAL GOE System presented in the Guide for Occupational Exploration (3rd Edition):
.Step 1: Start with the following "14 Interest Areas or Career Clusters" -
  1. GOE Code 1: Arts, Entertainment, and Media
  2. GOE Code 2: Science, Math, Engineering
  3. GOE Code 3: Plants and Animals
  4. GOE Code 4: Law, Law Enforcement, and Public Security
  5. GOE Code 5: Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
  6. Construction, Mining and Drilling
  7. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
  8. GOE Code 6: Industrial Production
  9. GOE Code 7: Business Detail
  10. GOE Code 8: Sales &Marketing
  11. GOE Code 9: Recreation, Travel and Other Personal Services
  12. GOE Code 10: Education and Social Services
  13. GOE Code 11: General Management and Support
  14. Medical and Health Science
Step 2: Complete Inventory.
Step 3: Score profile.
Step 4: Use the "14 Interest Areas or Career Clusters" to Explore Career Options.
Step 5: Complete the Career Exploration Worksheet.
Step 6: Research career options.
Reading Level: Grade 8
Interest Level: Middle School-Adult

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the most widely used personality assessment in the world – more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year.
  • Reliable, valid, versatile, and dependable - Used for more than 50 years
  • Guide to understand individual differences
  • Source of understanding on how people think, communicate, and interact
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a career assessment test and a personality test. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) types are in four groups –
  • Extraversion / Introversion
  • Sensing / Intuition
  • Thinking / Feeling
  • Judging / Perceiving
The type indicates a preference.
  • The Extrovert prefers to focus on other people and things.
  • The Introvert prefers to focus on internal thoughts and ideas.
  • The Sensing person prefers to use the five senses to receive information.
  • The Intuitive person receives input from internal thinking processes.
  • The Thinking persons judges using logic.
  • The Feeling person uses affective measures to judge.
  • The Judging aspect of the type results in sequential step-by-step mental processing.
  • The Perceiving responds in a spontaneous and flexible way.
The results from the MBTI produces the 16 types –
  1. ISTJ
  2. ISFJ
  3. INFJ
  4. INTJ
  5. ISTP
  6. ISFP
  7. INFP
  8. INTP
  9. ESTP
  10. ESFP
  11. ENFP
  12. ENTP
  13. ESTJ
  14. ESFJ
  15. ENFJ
  16. ENTJ

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Career Report

The MBTI Career Report is a career exploration tool that helps you –
  • Identify strengths and weakness that may influence the career exploration process
  • Identify job families
  • Choose a potential career
  • Select a college or other form of training
  • Provide information necessary to evaluate a possible career transition or job shift
  • Develop a career plan
The MBTI Career Report has information on –
  • MBTI Results – Reported Type and Clarity of Reported Preferences
  • MBTI Types and Career Choice – preferred work environments, and action steps
  • MBTI Types and Career Exploration – Strengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps
  • MBTI Types and Career Development – Strengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps
  • MBTI Types and Job Families – Job family ranking, Most attractive job families, Moderately attractive job families, Least attractive job families, Most popular occupations, Least popular occupations, and Tips for succeeding in atypical occupation.

My Career Profile


My Career Profile Guidance System is a Holland career self assessment test that provides information on interests, values, skills, personalities, and Holland Codes.
My Career Profile Guidance System is -
  • Low cost – Save money.
  • Easy to use - Follow simple instructions.
  • Quick – In 20 minutes, you will have the results from the assessment.
  • Fast - Immediately match the results 1500 careers.
  • Tested, proven, and dependable – Use the database to get job earnings information
My Career Profile Guidance System provides information on interests, values, skills, personalities, Holland Codes, 1200+ occupations, and 6000 schools.
Discover your -
  • Interests
  • Values
  • Skills
  • Personality
Get information on -
  • Holland Codes
  • 1200+ Occupations
  • 6000+ Schools
Search colleges by according to the following criteria -
  • Location of School
  • Major Areas of Study
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School
Build your career portifolio.

PICS Career Survey

Picture Interest Survey

The PICS Career Survey is a Picture Interest Test and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –
  • Explore their career interests
  • Find a job that fits
The PICS Career Survey is an excellent career test for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -
  • Who are In ESL/GED programs
  • Who have limited reading ability
  • Who have limited knowledge of English
  • Who are developmentally delayed
  • Who are learning disabled
  • Who have special needs
  • Who have limited access to education
  • Who are chronically unemployed
The PICS Interest Test -
  • Takes less than fifteen minutes to complete and score
  • Uses pictures of people at work
  • Is self-administered and self-scored
To finish the Career Survey (PICS), you -
  • Look at 36 sets of 3 pictures.
  • Choose which of the three portrayed occupations seems most interesting.
  • Total the number and kind of pictures selected.
As bonuses, with each purchase, you receive the Career Locator and Career Planning Worksheet.
The Career Locator matches Holland Code interest areas to 600 careers. Careers are placed in one of the following groups – Careers that require Short Term On-the-Job-Training, Moderate Term On-the-Job-Training, Long Term On-the-Job-Training, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional Degree, and Postsecondary Vocational Training.
On the Career Planning Worksheet, you record information about education required, projected earning, job outlook, skills, and next step. 

Paint Careers With Colors
Kids Career Test and Color Key

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Job Test uses self-by-step activities, career games for Kids, and kids activities for career choices to highlight Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes. On each page, you choose the careers that you like or are interested in.

kid career test

At the end of the job test for kids, you summarize your results. The Summary Sheet identifies your Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes.

kid career test

kid career test

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test comes with a Colors to Careers Career Model and Colors to Careers Code or Holland Code Descriptions. The Paint Careers With Colors Child Career Test is an excellent tool to introduce you to career exploration, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The graphics hold your attention as you identify your career interests.

kid career test

The Colors to Careers Color Chart shows all of the information listed on the posters –
  • Job Titles
  • Career Color Codes
  • 3 letter Holland Codes
  • Colors to Careers Poster Numbers

RIASEC Inventory
A Quick and Easy Assessment


RIASEC Inventory

A Quick and Easy Assessment

The RIASEC Inventory
  • Uses Holland’s RIASEC coding system and latest O*NET job titles
  • Scores into six interest areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional
  • Quick, 4-page assessment takes only 10-15 minutes to complete
The Holland Code inventory gives individuals a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on their interests. Using the RIASEC system developed by John Holland--the most widely used occupational interest coding system available.
Use this inventory to identify their job interests.
Complete only 72 work activity statements.
Match results those interests to potential careers.
The Holland Code inventory, a quick and easy assessment, is perfect for job seekers who have little time to spend on testing and career exploration.

Self Directed Search

The Self-Directed Search is -
  • Low cost – Save money.
  • Easy to use - Complete the career self assessment test in 30 minutes.
  • Tested, proven, and dependable - Used by over 22 million people worldwide.
Use the Self-Directed Search to -
  • Get information on your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills. Know your strengths, interests, abilities, and skills.
  • Find careers that maximize your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills.
  • Narrow your career options. Save time and money. Eliminate careers that do not match your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills.
Find careers that will be most satisfying, appealing, and interesting to you.
Use the Self-Directed Search to explore careers.
Self Directed Search Form R is for adults, college students, and high school students. Form R is available in PRINTED or INTERNET Versions. The New! The Occupations Finder-Revised Edition now includes occupations that have emerged as a result of technological advances (e.g., Internet). The occupations have been updated and revised, and the jobs are referenced with the Occupational Information (O*NET) database. The Occupations Finder also provides the educational development level that each occupation requires and includes an alphabetical list of the occupations. Self-Directed Search Form R Occupations Finder has a list of 1,309 occupations matched to Holland Codes.
Self Directed Search Form E is for adults and teens who need easier-to-read format.
Self Directed Search Form Career Explorer is for middle school students.

Strong Interest Inventory


For nearly 80 years, the Strong Interest Inventory assessment has guided thousands of individuals in exploring careers and college majors. The Strong Interest Inventory assessment is the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world.
The Strong Inventory is a professional career interest inventory that is –
  • Well researched and extensively validated
  • Used by career coaches and college counselors worldwide
The Strong Interest Inventory is an on-line Holland Code assessment that helps you identify -
  • Interests
  • Holland Codes
  • Careers
The results include –
  • Scores on the level of interest on each of the six Holland Codes or General Occupational Themes. Holland Code Themes include – Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
  • Scores on 25 Basic Interest Scales (e.g. art, science, and public speaking)
  • Scores on 211 Occupational Scales which indicate the similarity between the respondent's interests and those of people working in each of the 211 occupations.
  • Scores on 4 Personal Style Scales (learning, working, leadership, and risk-taking).
  • Scores on 3 Administrative Scales used to identify test errors or unusual profiles.
The Strong Interest Inventory has six (6) sections –
  • General Themes – Description of the interrelationship between Holland Codes and interests, work activities, potential skills, personal values
  • Basic Interest Scales – Identification of your Highest Holland Code Themes, Holland Theme Code, Standard Score, and Interest Level

    Basic Interest Scales point to work activities, projects, course work, and leisure activities that are personally motivating and rewarding. The Interest Scale Levels are Very Little, Little, Moderate, high, Very High.

    Your Basic Interest Scales Report will give you your TOP FIVE Interest Areas and the Areas of Least Interest.
  • Occupational Scales – Comparison of your likes and dislikes with those people who are satisfied working in various occupations.

    The Occupational Scales matches your interests to 122 occupations. Your score matched the likes and dislikes of people who are working in and are satisfied that career. The occupations are an example of a larger job cluster. The TOP TEN Occupations are the careers that most closely match your interests. Within each Holland Code Theme, you will find careers that you are Dissimilar, Midrange, or Similar to your score, likes, and dislikes.
  • Personal Style Scales – Description of relationship between Holland Code Themes, work styles, learning, risk taking, and team work. Examples of Personal Style Scales include – Working with People, Enjoying helping others, Preferring practical learning environments, Preferring short-term training, Taking charge of others, Taking risks, Making quick decisions, and Working on teams.
  • Profile Summary – Overview of Your Highest Themes, Your Theme code, Your Top Five Interest Areas, Your Areas of Least Interest, Your Top Ten Strong Occupations, Occupations of Dissimilar Interest, and Your Personal Style Scales Preferences
  • Response Summary – Summary of the Occupations, Subject Areas, Activities, Leisure Activities, People, and Characteristics Sections. You receive information about the number of responses in each section that were Strongly Like, Like, Indifferent, Dislike, or Strong Dislike.
There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.

Transferable Skills (TS) Survey

Transferable Skills Scale

The TS Survey is a researched and validated assessment. The TS Survey is a short assessment that identifies an individual’s strongest soft (TS) skills skills. The eight (8) soft (TS) skills Skills are:
  • Analytical
  • Numerical
  • Interpersonal
  • Organizational
  • Physical
  • Informational
  • Communicative
  • Creative skills
The benefits of the TS Survey are -
  • Complete in 20-25 minutes
  • Is easy to use
  • Has color-coded design
  • Is Self-scoring and self-interpreting
  • Can be used as both a career exploration guide and a job search strategy tool
  • Includes suggested resources for career exploration as well as a worksheet for comparing possible careers
  • Includes job titles from the most recent O*NET database
  • Can be given to groups or individuals
The TS Survey has 5 sections -
  1. Mark Your Answers
  2. Add Your Scores
  3. Interpret Your Scores
  4. Identify Occupations that Match Your Skills
  5. Explore Occupations that Match Your Skills
Reference material for the The TS Survey lists the relationship between Soft Skills and Holland Codes. 

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