My Rainbow Career Finder
Professional Version!
Professional Version
For teachers, counselors, coaches, parents and child advocates
The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career test.
The program is an automated poster scoring system that automatically produces the three letter Holland Code based on the selection that the children provide. Upon completion of the report, we will send you a PDF report.
With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.
There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.
Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.
The poster analyzer clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
The My rainbow career finder organizes and analyzes information. Children -
- See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
- Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
The kid career test software also improves –
- Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information
- Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
- Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests
Use the rainbow career analyzer at -
- Schools
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- YMCA/ YWCA Programs
- Afterschool Programs
- Kids Go To Work Days
- Career Days
- Summer School Programs
The kid career tests are excellent career tests for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -
- Who are In ESL/GED programs
- Who have limited reading ability
- Who have limited knowledge of English
- Who are developmentally delayed
- Who are learning disabled
- Who have special needs
- Who have limited access to education
- Who are chronically unemployed
Finder redesigned -
- New and improved!
- New colorful Graphics!
- Instructions simplified!
- Free supplemental career exploration resources!
- Translation in different languages - Surveys in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish/ Results (Reports) are in English!
- Supplemental resources included - Training manual, Marketing kit, Powerpoints, downloads, videos, games, and scoring/ summary sheets