Check out our Holland Codes and career clusters "Best Bulk Buys".
Career and Life Explorer Inventory
Career and Life Explorer is a Holland Code assessment that uses:
- Appealing graphics
- Easy-to-follow instructions
- Proven career exploration principles
- Great information to get young people thinking about their future—and encourages them to stay in school, explore positive career and learning options, and dream big
Career and Life Explorer provides the following information:
- Start with "Uncover Career Clues."
- Gather career information by looking at:
- Who they admire
- What they do well or enjoy doing
- What are the key values
- How important is money
- What kinds of people they like to spend time with
- How much education or training they would consider
- What work environment they prefer, and more
- Step 2: Select top picks from among six Holland Code "Interest Groups"
- Step 3: Look up related jobs in a chart listing hundreds of job titles from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
- Step 4: Use a "Discover Your Ideal Job" to write in key elements of their ideal job, including:
- Values
- Possible job titles
- Skills
- Education or training
- Earnings
- Other details
- Step 5: Use an Action Plan worksheet to help plan high school courses, extracurricular activities, and other life experiences.
Format: 5.5 x 8.5, 12-panel foldout
Reading Level: Grade 6
Interest Level: Grades 6 to 12
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Career Exploration Inventory
Career Exploration Inventory is a career interest inventory with career information and career planning information.The Career Exploration Inventory:
- Is easy to read, self-scoring, self-interpreting
- Gathers career information by looking at past, present, and future activities of your life. These areas include Work, Leisure, and Learning activities.
- Helps you identify Clusters and GOE Interest Areas
- Provides a list of related jobs in a chart listing hundreds of job titles from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
- Provides additional career resources
- Create an Action Plan
- Help you set Short-Range, Medium-Range, and Long-Range Goals
The Career Exploration Inventory:
- Is backed by strong validity
- Uses proven career exploration principles.
- Directs cross-reference to GOE and O’Net job reference systems.
The Scores from the Career Exploration Inventory connect you to 16 GOE career interest areas or Career Clusters with:
- Related jobs
- Education and training options
- Leisure activities listed for each interest area
Format: 8.5 x 11, 12-panel foldout, self-scoring/self-interpreting, consumable, no other components needed.
Interest Level: High School-Adult
With each Career Cluster/GOE purchase, you will receive with free Career Cluster, GOE Code, and Holland Code cross-reference and Internet resource sheets.
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Bulk Career Interests Inventories
The Career Interests Inventory is a Holland Code career self assessment test.The Career Interests Inventory is -
- Inexpensive – Save money.
- Easy to use - Complete the career self assessment test in 30 minutes.
- Tested, proven, and dependable – Based on Dept. of Labor's O*NET Interest Profile.
The Career Interests Inventory has a variety of jobs. Find job that need little or no preparation, 2 year associate, 4 year college, graduate degree, or professional degree.
The Career Interests Inventory is a Holland Code career self assessment test.
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Bulk PIC Surveys
The PICS Career Survey is a Picture Interest Test and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –
- Explore their career interests
- Find a job that fits
The PICS Career Survey is an excellent career test for people -
- Who are In ESL/GED programs
- Who have limited reading ability
- Who have limited knowledge of English
- Who are developmentally delayed
- Who are learning disabled
- Who have special needs
- Who have limited access to education
- Who are chronically unemployed
The PICS Test -
- Takes less than fifteen minutes to complete and score
- Uses pictures of people at work
- Is self-administered and self-scored
To finish the Career Survey (PICS), you -
- Look at 36 sets of 3 pictures.
- Choose which of the three portrayed occupations seems most interesting.
- Total the number and kind of pictures selected.
As bonuses, with each purchase, you receive the Career Locator and Career Planning Worksheet.
The Career Locator matches Holland Code interest areas to 600 careers. Careers are placed in one of the following groups – Careers that require Short Term On-the-Job-Training, Moderate Term On-the-Job-Training, Long Term On-the-Job-Training, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional Degree, and Postsecondary Vocational Training.
On the Career Planning Worksheet, you record information about education required, projected earning, job outlook, skills, and next step.
With any bulk order, you receive a free Holland Codes Resource Tool Kit CD-ROM.
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- Analytical
- Numerical
- Interpersonal
- Organizational
- Physical
- Informational
- Communicative
- Creative skills
The benefits of the TS Scale are -
- Complete in 20-25 minutes
- Is easy to use
- Has color-coded design
- Is Self-scoring and self-interpreting
- Can be used as both a career exploration guide and a job search strategy tool
- Includes suggested resources for career exploration as well as a worksheet for comparing possible careers
- Includes job titles from the most recent O*NET database
- Can be given to groups or individuals
The TS Scale has 5 sections -
- Mark Your Answers
- Add Your Scores
- Interpret Your Scores
- Identify Occupations that Match Your Skills
- Explore Occupations that Match Your Skills
Buying a bulk order saves you hundreds of dollars.
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