Monday, December 26, 2016

Looking for Career or Academic Coaching!!

Are you having trouble setting career goals? In searching for the right career, there are so many options and decisions. has the tools that will help you to make the right career decisions.


There are three steps in career planning cycle that will help you achieve your career goals and search for a career.

Step One: Get a Clear Career Goal

The first step in search for a job is setting a career goal.

In order to set a career goal, you have to take inventory of yourself to determine what you can offer an employer.

You need to –
  • Build awareness, knowledge and understanding of our strengths, interests, abilities, and skills
  • List your ambitions, values, education, and experiences
  • Determine your job preferences –job duties, salary, geographic location, and work conditions
Step Two: Explore Career Options

In order to identify potential careers, you may use career exploration and social media resources to gather the following occupational information –
  • Labor market
  • Work industries
  • Companies, organizations, or agencies
  • Specific careers
Use online career exploration resources to identify potential careers.

Step Three: Overcome Career Roadblocks

When you are trying to reach a career goal, there will always be obstacles. You solve career problems by completing the following steps –
  • Identify educational and career planning obstacles
  • Create solutions or courses of action
  • Set achievable goals
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Commit to reach our goals
Problem solving should take into consideration personal interests, skills, values, and financial resources. Big problems are broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. Achievable goals result in the production of new competencies, attitudes, and solutions.

As an individual, you:
  • Set, formulate, prioritize, and rank goals
  • Clearly state our vocational interests, abilities, and values
  • Derive plans or strategies to implement the solutions
  • Make a commitment to complete the plans
  • Understand decision-making processes
  • Evaluate the primary choice
  • Consider a secondary occupational choice, if necessary
Decision-making processes include:
  • Develop a career plan
  • Identify potential occupations
  • Select appropriate educational programs
  • Figure the costs of educational training
  • Consider the impact of career decisions
Step Four: Execution

You execute your career plans when you use different strategies –
  • Reality testing
  • Social Media
  • Job Search Strategies – Resume Writing and Interview Preparation
Reality Testing

While implementing and, you translate vocational interests, abilities, and skills into job opportunities. You do reality testing by implementing the following strategies –
  • Informational interviewing
  • Networking
  • Job shadowing
  • Internships
  • Part-time employment
  • Full-time employment
  • Volunteer work
We have a variety of different topics that we use different career/ academic advising sessions -
  • Selecting Career test
  • Different career tests
  • Other career topics - social media, resume writing and interviewing

Different Career Tests

We offer assistance with interpreting the following tests -
 Get more details about our career and academic coaching...

MBTI Reinvented

New!!!  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Step 2 (Q) Report

Are you looking for an inventory that will match your personality to potential careers? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is
  • Most widely used personality assessment in the world – more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year.
  • Reliable, valid, versatile, and dependable - Used for more than 50 years
The results from the MBTI® produces the 16 types –
  1. ISTJ
  2. ISFJ
  3. INFJ
  4. INTJ
  5. ISTP
  6. ISFP
  7. INFP
  8. INTP
  9. ESTP
  10. ESFP
  11. ENFP
  12. ENTP
  13. ESTJ
  14. ESFJ
  15. ENFJ
  16. ENTJ

New!!!! MBTI Step II™ (Form Q) has 144 items 

(including the 93 Step I  M items)

  • Is available online, takes approximately 35 minutes to complete
  • Drills down to a finer level of detail to explore how individuals of the same personality type may express their personality differently
  • Provides individuals’ 4-letter Myers-Briggs personality type code plus results on 20 facets of that type
  • Provides in-depth development actions across a range of important individual issues
  • Generates two reports: Profile and Interpretive Report


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Q Interpretive Report

  • Offers personalized tips for professional development
  • A full page each is devoted to applying results to communicating, making decisions, managing change, and managing conflict.
  • The report describes your style in these four areas and suggests ways of using that style more effectively.
  • The Step II™ Interpretive Report is a highly personalized narrative and graphical report that helps clients understand their MBTI® Step I™ and Step II™ results.
  • The 17-page report then applies those results to four important components of professional development: communication, decision making, change management, and conflict management.
Features & Benefits
  • Refreshed to be more engaging and user-friendly
  • Graphically enhanced to illustrate facet results
  • Graphs each of the 20 Step II™ facet results, with descriptions to help clients better understand their meaning, and integrates the results with their Step I results.
 Read more about the MBTI...